Business Insights | The Marketing Centre SA

5 ways to drastically improve your bottom line

Written by Shannon Mackey | 30 May 2017

This tried and tested advice from some of our top marketing directors is the culmination of decades of experience. Each point should be explored, unpacked and implemented in a way that is relevant to your business. If at any point you need assistance get in touch, our marketing directors will step in, get to know your business and deliver results.

Stop and Segment

Identify and quantify your key target market. Unless you have this recorded as a reference document and made readily available as a reminder, your team may be unaligned and wasting valuable time (and money) chasing fruitless leads.

Make Money Matter in your Strategy

Develop a TURNOVER-BASED marketing strategy, if the item won’t positively impact your bottom line it should not be there. Go through your marketing strategy and cull it with a big, fat red pen!

Create and Qualify Leads

Align your sales and marketing team on how to generate leads, qualify them and convert them to sales – allocate responsibility, this is your Lead Strategy. Brainstorm creative and inexpensive ways to generate new leads, chances are that you have access to way more leads through your existing team than you think. By qualifying leads you will save valuable time that can now be spent converting promising leads and generating sales.

Pick the low hanging fruit

Develop a customer retention strategy and action plan that includes winning back past customers, reducing your churn rate and increasing the basket of products/service delivery to existing customers. These are the low hanging fruit – those who already know your brand, pick them first.

Develop a lead focused website

Use every opportunity available to turn a website hit into a lead that can be qualified and converted – make your website a world class lead-hub and drive traffic here! Use this as the starting point of your digital strategy, if your digital strategy isn’t generating leads (not just traffic) it is wasting valuable resources.


Our part-time Marketing Directors have the expertise to figure out what is getting in the way of your lead conversion and they will also look at the bigger picture - to focus, grow and strengthen your business.

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