Business Insights | The Marketing Centre SA

Book review: Digital Marketing for Dummies by Ryan Deiss and Russ Henneberry

Written by Karen Senior | 14 November 2017

A client of mine recently lent me Digital Marketing for Dummies as a ‘this is what I want done’. I.e. please help me to make it our strategy. Never being one who can be found frequenting the text book aisles of libraries or book shops (I prefer travel stories or garden design books) I slightly hesitantly began reading.

Wow. I am now, according to the Innovation Adoption Lifecycle, hovering between early and late majority, and even though I thought I knew all there is to know about digital marketing, I clearly didn’t.

It starts with an introduction to what digital marketing is all about and then takes you through the customer journey and creating avatars, content creation and types, lead generation via your website, analytics and identifying trends. And there is a lot more.

You don’t have to read it cover to cover and can bounce in and out, depending on what you need to find out more about. It is written in clear, simple language and whether you are an old hat at digital marketing or are beginning your journey into this fascinating and much needed world of necessity – this books is for all of you.