Business Insights

    Ansoff Matrix-4
    18 November 2019

    How to get your current customers to spend more

    We will take you through 4 ways to get your current customers to spend more with you.

    Illustration of business environment - micro environment, macro environment and internal environment
    5 November 2019

    Do you fully understand your customer and your market?

    Make sure that you understand your customer before you market to them.

    How to Implement a Winning Customer Retention Process
    10 September 2019

    How to Implement a Winning Customer Retention Process

    Why you need a customer retention process and tips on how to implement it effectively.

    28 August 2019

    5X Your Sales Pipeline with these Five Steps

    Marketing isn't all about the long-term, it can help in the here and now. But moving fast doesn't...

    25 July 2019

    Brand Development and attracting investors

    It can difficultto turn the head of an angel investor or a venture capitalist. You have to become...

    Screenshot 2019-07-02 12.32.42
    23 July 2019

    Tech Innovators - Do you have the marketing skills to beat the innovation curve 10 years to mainstream adoption?

    It takes guts to be an innovator. You’re disrupting an industry. But as exciting as change is, it’s...

    Screenshot 2019-07-02 11.28.37
    12 July 2019

    Distributors - Your sales presenter is leaving hundreds of thousands of Rands on the table

    What differentiates truly successful distributors is thorough understanding of the role marketing...

    Screenshot 2019-07-04 12.08.06
    4 July 2019

    Marketing vs Budget. Your Marketing Director needs to act like an accountant.

    Marketing founded on a bullet-proof sales strategy is there to make a profit. Your marketing...

    18 June 2019

    The Marketing Centre appoints Marga Schlesinger as part of the Gauteng leadership team

    Marga believes that it is crucial to benchmark the ROI in marketing and that marketing must serve...